Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Zdydldedrish Constitution

Created by Jak the Yak, Mak the Yak, Quak the Yak, Sak the Yak, Hak the Yak, and Stak the Yak, on the Twentieth Day of May on the Year Two Thousand and Five, for the Purpose of Setting the Laws of the Yakkish Community and for the Benefit of Communism

Preamble: Heys all of usses Comrades. All of usses yauks. And all of usses Communists, yaaa. We is gathered us selves hee'r to poor-vide us selves with a hee'r Cauns'itootion to ensure us selves them safety of Communism. We is hee'r to look into usses footure and see us selves whot wes selves might need us selves to make for usses Cauns'itootion, yaaaaaaa.

Article I: Wes is all usses Communists, yaa. Since we is communists, then we gets totalaereeanist control oe'r the rest o'dem pe'ples and also dem pes'nts, yaaaaaaa.
Article II: We controls dem pes'nts, we gives 'em usses land, and theys takes it, like it o'naut, yaa. They can't aaur'goo dem'selves, yaaaaaaa.
Article III: If ae'naather o'dem species deciedes 'em selves that they's willing them selves to joein usses, then they joein usses if both we's and they's wants 'em to joein us.
Article IV: If dem species decided them selves that they ain't fit o'that they jus'plain don' wannabe with usses, they may leave us without usses consent, yaaaaa.
Article V: If usses deciede us selves to maek sum hee'r ammindments to hee'r Cauns'itootion, then wes can do us selves it, yaa, as long as more'n'two o'threei o'us agrees, yaaaaa.
Article VI: This'er Cauns'itootion will be raut'fied on May 20, 2005. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Postamble: So here is usses Cauns'itootion, yaaaaaaa. We think we have done a very good job. Anyone who doesn't will be themselves buried alive tomorrow, yaaaaaaa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fired PR Blogger Saga Rages On
Wednesday, September 28, 2005, by Lockhart The saga of DwellingQuest 's fired PR person, Kelly Kreth, hits the Post todaya 'and, by extension, Gawker, where the commenters have a field day.
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4:31 PM  
Blogger Jaja said...

Anonymous #1: I would certainly like to buy life insurance, but it's too late now. See, I've already been born.
Anonymous #2: I have some advice for you. Don't put a link to your site. Just say, "go to", and then everyone won't realize what you're advertising and might think it's actually something special.
Taylor: I didn't know that you were a taylor. It seems unusual for a taylor to be selling old-fashioned hearing aids, but stranger things have happened. But I don't think that I'll need any hearing aids. Reading all your comments already occupies all my time. And don't worry, this blog is not scheduled to die out until September.

6:26 PM  

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