I (one of the drug smugglers) am quite delighted to say that our plan to steal the mayor's walrus went quite successfully. At Maximus Hotel, where the mayor was staying for the night. At six o'clock, we casually bashed down the mayor's hotel room, and demanded the mayor's walrus with guns pointed at the mayor's face. Unfortunately, the mayor was having a party with eight other people, six of them members of Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Professional Plant-Watering Association. So we decided to change tactics. We asked if we could please have the mayor's walrus, but he still refused. Then we asked if we could buy the mayor's walrus, but he said no. Then we asked if we could buy the mayor's walrus for one day for $5,000, but he said his price was $6,000. Eventually, we had to pay $10,000 to get out safely. Later that night, we snuck in and stole the mayor's walrus. The walrus did not make any noise, because he knew the urgency of the situation, and he hated the mayor very much, and he wanted to be rid of him. It should also be noted the Austrian Marks joined the drug smugglers as Professional Digeridoo Player, and Capuccino Prax joined us as Professional Shield.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
The Inside Scoop on the Drug Smugglers #4: How we stole the mayor's walrus
I (one of the drug smugglers) am quite delighted to say that our plan to steal the mayor's walrus went quite successfully. At Maximus Hotel, where the mayor was staying for the night. At six o'clock, we casually bashed down the mayor's hotel room, and demanded the mayor's walrus with guns pointed at the mayor's face. Unfortunately, the mayor was having a party with eight other people, six of them members of Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Professional Plant-Watering Association. So we decided to change tactics. We asked if we could please have the mayor's walrus, but he still refused. Then we asked if we could buy the mayor's walrus, but he said no. Then we asked if we could buy the mayor's walrus for one day for $5,000, but he said his price was $6,000. Eventually, we had to pay $10,000 to get out safely. Later that night, we snuck in and stole the mayor's walrus. The walrus did not make any noise, because he knew the urgency of the situation, and he hated the mayor very much, and he wanted to be rid of him. It should also be noted the Austrian Marks joined the drug smugglers as Professional Digeridoo Player, and Capuccino Prax joined us as Professional Shield.
I (one of the drug smugglers) am quite delighted to say that our plan to steal the mayor's walrus went quite successfully. At Maximus Hotel, where the mayor was staying for the night. At six o'clock, we casually bashed down the mayor's hotel room, and demanded the mayor's walrus with guns pointed at the mayor's face. Unfortunately, the mayor was having a party with eight other people, six of them members of Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Professional Plant-Watering Association. So we decided to change tactics. We asked if we could please have the mayor's walrus, but he still refused. Then we asked if we could buy the mayor's walrus, but he said no. Then we asked if we could buy the mayor's walrus for one day for $5,000, but he said his price was $6,000. Eventually, we had to pay $10,000 to get out safely. Later that night, we snuck in and stole the mayor's walrus. The walrus did not make any noise, because he knew the urgency of the situation, and he hated the mayor very much, and he wanted to be rid of him. It should also be noted the Austrian Marks joined the drug smugglers as Professional Digeridoo Player, and Capuccino Prax joined us as Professional Shield.
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