Tuesday, October 04, 2005

List of characters appearing in Foghorn since September 1st, and before October 4th, in order of appearance:

34: Wak the Yak - the official spokesman for the Communists.
35: Smak the Yak - the official spokesman for the Communists after Wak the Yak died.
36: Bewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu - Gewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu's cousin and former druggie.
37: Fortnight Plock - one of the fools used for the fool fight.
38: Griphems Flemm - another of the fools.
39-47: Jaja Bebe, Max Sofa, Beige Callsworthy, Osprey Jack, Fip Nørshåd, Smith Schärgzdenwærfer, Austrian Marks, and Capuccino Prax - the nine people who are now following Lemmingism
48: Queen Elizabeth XXVIII - The leader of the penguins.
49: Queen Flizabeth MMDCCC - the second-in-command of the penguins.
50: Ål Jr. - the son of Ål.
51: Mål - Ål's third cousin and former bookie.
52: Uål - Ål's underachieving personal nail clipper.
53: Fak the Yak - the leader of the peasant revolt on September 26th.
54: Slak the Yak - the famous general of the Z.D.Y.D.L.D.E.D.R.
55-58: Yotte, Grugular, Phebby and Orquavous: the (only) members of the small group called Phaag'oorin.


Blogger Jaja said...

Sorry, I'm not interested in hanging doors. What crimes have the doors committed that they deserve to be hanged?

4:52 PM  

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